Grant Funding in Support of NAFE
High resolution mapping of surface and root zone soil moisture - ARC Discovery Project Dr JP Walker; Prof JD Kalma; Dr E Kim 2005 : $300,000, 2006 : $212,000, 2007 : $155,000 Summary: Knowledge of the spatial and temporal variation of surface and root zone soil moisture content at high spatial resolution is critical to achieving more efficient water utilisation practices in agriculture. Australia 's main river basins are under mounting pressure to satisfy a wide range of competing economic, social and environmental needs for water, particularly in terms of environmental flows and efficient irrigation. A better understanding of the soil moisture distribution at sub-farm scales will allow farmers to better utilise both the moisture in their soil and their limited allocation for irrigation. This will help alleviate soil moisture related problems in some of the nation's key catchments, such as the Murray Darling Basin.
Carbon, nutrient and sediment dynamics in a semi-arid catchment - ARC Discovery Project Dr GR Hancock; Prof JD Kalma; Prof JJ McDonnell 2005 : $180,000, 2006 : $115,000, 2007 : $75,000 Summary: Carbon, nutrient and sediment dynamics has a large impact on stream ecology so our ability to better understand and manage disturbance in a catchment is essential if we are to better manage our resources and natural systems. The project will provide fundamental data and insight into carbon, nutrient and sediment dynamics in a semi-arid region.
Airborne laser scanning for advanced environmental monitoring - ARC LIEF Grant Dr PM Dare; A/Prof JM Hacker; Dr JP Walker; Dr SD Jones; Prof JD Kalma; Dr MM Lewis 2005 : $167,777 + $170,035 Summary: This proposal seeks to enhance the national capability for airborne remote sensing of key environmental variables through the acquisition of an airborne laser scanner and inertial navigation system. Many environmental science studies, such as hydrology, soil moisture scaling and salinity, can be significantly enhanced by airborne laser scanning, through the creation of high precision, high resolution digital terrain models. Airborne laser scanning can also measure three dimensional vegetation canopy structure, a useful indicator of biomass, carbon storage and vegetation health. This infrastructure will provide Australian researchers with a unique arsenal of remote sensing tools for advanced yet affordable environmental research Studies.
A New Airborne Facility for Environmental, Hydrological, Atmospheric and Oceanic Research: High Resolution Measurement of Soil Moisture, Temperature and Salinity Dr JP Walker, Prof RB Grayson, A/Prof JM Hacker, Prof JD Kalma and Prof ML Heron 2004 : AU$395k+AU$262k. Summary: This proposal seeks to establish a new national capability for airborne remote sensing of key environmental variables. It will enable high-resolution mapping of near-surface soil moisture, land surface salinity and temperature, and ocean surface salinity and temperature. It will be a new tool for hydrologic, atmospheric and oceanic researchers, providing unprecedented detail on characteristics critical to our understanding and management of the environment. The small instrument size and weight will enable use of a light aircraft as the observing platform, providing the national (and international) research community with an affordable tool, hitherto unavailable.
Created: February 2005 Last Modified: February 2005 Maintainer: Jeffrey Walker,
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